Week 9

Activity 9.3 – Using an LMS

When having a course as a teacher you need a good way to communicate with the students in your class about the curriculum and the homework you are assigning. For me I would want to use an online way of communication (ex. Facebook or twitter) and I would also want to use personal face-to-face communication via speech or through homework sheets. I would make sure that there were a few ways to communicate so that all the students would be able to stay on top of their work. I would also have a syllabus where it says when everything is due and if it ever needs to be changed I would give the students ample warning.

For assessments I would do quizzes/ exams, as well as projects to allow the students creativity. By having these two specific types of assessments I would ensure that my class was not dominated by one specific assessment, which would benefit students because not all students learn the same way or show their learning the same way.

To organize my content I would use a syllabus at the start of the year to allow the students fair warning of what to expect during the course. This would benefit me as a teacher because it would keep me organized and on a schedule; although I may potentially have to change dates, but I would give the students ample warning about any changes.

If I were to use a social media site, like Facebook, in my class I would upload important information (including the syllabus), any interesting articles that relate to the course or the students, and educational videos that could enhance the students’ learning in the course.

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